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SERU Assessment Online Course

The Safety, Equality, and Regulatory Understanding (SERU) online course is a comprehensive program designed to provide participants with a deep understanding of key concepts related to safety, equality, and regulatory compliance.

SERU Assessment Online Course

Course Details

Duration : 1 week (2 days in a week)

Class Day: Tuesday and Thrusday

Session : 3 hours

Total Hours : 16 hours

Slot 1: 10:00 a.m - 01:00 p.m

Slot 2: 02:00 p.m - 05:00 p.m

Fees :£149.00

Repeat Until You Pass

We understand that the SERU Assessment is a crucial requirement, and we are committed to your success. If, for any reason, you don't pass the test after completing the course, don't worry. You can repeat the course until you pass, ensuring that you have ample opportunities to grasp the material and succeed in your test.

Free Course Materials

To make your learning experience even more accessible, we provide free course materials to all our participants. These materials are carefully curated to cover the essential topics required for the SERU Assessment Test.

Free access e-Learning SERU Assessment

As part of our commitment to your success, we offer a free e-learning product to supplement your learning journey. This additional resource is designed to enhance your understanding of the test material, providing you with a convenient and interactive way to study.

Pass the SERU Assessment Test with Our Fast Track Training Course

Enroll in our fast-track training course and gain the knowledge and confidence needed to pass the SERU Assessment Test. With a duration of 1 week, classes held 3 days a week, and flexible time slots, our program is designed to accommodate your schedule. Plus, you can join at any stage of the course. Your success is our priority!

We are dedicated to supporting you throughout your SERU Assessment Test preparation. Feel free to reach out to our instructors if you have any questions or need further clarification on specific topics. We wish you the best of luck on your journey to becoming a qualify PCO driver!

Enroll in our SERU Assessment Online Course today and take the first step towards a successful future in the United Kingdom.

our products

Our product is a comprehensive learning solution, incorporating official study guides alongside meticulously crafted question and answer sets. This holistic approach ensures that users receive a well-rounded educational experience, preparing them thoroughly for their assessments.

30% OFF

Until 31st January 24

Life in the UK

14.99 Now: 9.99

30% OFF

Until 31st January 24

Driving Theory Test

14.99 Now: 9.99

20% OFF

Until 31st January 24

Safety, equality and regulatory understanding (SERU)

24.99 Now: 19.99

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